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Louis Garneau

Louis Garneau Chrono II Spin Bike

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Fitness bikes are a great way to train at home. Whether you're looking to stay in shape or optimize your performance, Louis Garneau fitness bikes are perfect.

If you’re looking for a seriously smart trainer that tracks your performance, The Chrono II is the fitness bike for you. An electronic display lets you know your speed, RPM, distance, time, calories, and allows you to set goals that are trackable over time. The frame is made from a commercial quality, Heavy-duty steel frame that’s solid, stable and allows for an ultra-smooth pedaling experience. The micro-adjustable handlebars and saddle ensure you always find the perfect fit. The polymer cover on the transmission, sweat guard over the flywheel, chrome-plated seat post and handlebars, and zinc treatment on frame parts protects your bike from sweat and prevents corrosion over time. Grab a Chrono II to maintain your fitness over the winter and star spring ahead of the pack.

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